系统不可能无限的创建线程 ,线程数太多,cpu在切换线程时候,会影响效率
public class MyThreadPool extends Thread { private static volatile int seq = 0; //线程序号 private final static LinkedListTASK_QUEUE = new LinkedList<>(); //任务队列 private final static List THREAD_COLLECTION = new ArrayList<>(); //线程集合 private int size; //当前线程数量 private int min; //最小线程数量 private int corePoolSize; //核心线程数量 private int max; //最大线程数量 private final int queueSize; // 任务队列大小 private final DiscardPolicy discardPolicy; private volatile boolean destroy = false; private final static ThreadGroup GROUP = new ThreadGroup("Pool_Group"); public MyThreadPool() { this(4, 8, 12, 100, () -> { throw new DiscardException("Discard This Runnable."); }); } public MyThreadPool(int min, int corePoolSize, int max, int queueSize, DiscardPolicy discardPolicy) { this.min = min; this.corePoolSize = corePoolSize; this.max = max; this.queueSize = queueSize; this.discardPolicy = discardPolicy; init(); } private void init() { for (int i = 0; i < this.min; i++) { createWorker(); } this.size = min; this.start(); } //提交任务 public void submit(Runnable runnable) { if (destroy) throw new IllegalStateException("The thread pool already destroy and not allow submit task."); synchronized (TASK_QUEUE) { if (TASK_QUEUE.size() > queueSize) discardPolicy.discard(); TASK_QUEUE.addLast(runnable); TASK_QUEUE.notifyAll(); } } @Override public void run() { while (!destroy) { System.out.printf("Pool#Min:%d,corePoolSize:%d,Max:%d,Current:%d,QueueSize:%d\n", this.min, this.corePoolSize, this.max, this.size, TASK_QUEUE.size()); try { //当任务队列中的任务个数过多时,增加线程数 Thread.sleep(5_000L); if (TASK_QUEUE.size() > corePoolSize && size < corePoolSize) { for (int i = size; i < corePoolSize; i++) { createWorker(); } System.out.println("The pool has incremented to corePoolSize."); size = corePoolSize; } else if (TASK_QUEUE.size() > max && size < max) { for (int i = size; i < max; i++) { createWorker(); } System.out.println("The pool has incremented to max."); size = max; } //任务队列为空,将超过核心线程数量的线程关闭 synchronized (THREAD_COLLECTION) { if (TASK_QUEUE.isEmpty() && size > corePoolSize) { System.out.println("=========Reduce========"); int releaseSize = size - corePoolSize; for (Iterator it = THREAD_COLLECTION.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { if (releaseSize <= 0) break; Worker worker = it.next(); if(worker.getTaskState() == TaskState.BLOCKED) { worker.close(); worker.interrupt(); releaseSize--; } it.remove(); } size = corePoolSize; } } } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void createWorker() { Worker worker = new Worker(GROUP, "THREAD_POOL-" + (++seq)); worker.start(); THREAD_COLLECTION.add(worker); } //线程的包装类 private static class Worker extends Thread { private volatile TaskState taskState = TaskState.FREE; public Worker(ThreadGroup group, String name) { super(group, name); } public TaskState getTaskState() { return this.taskState; } public void run() { OUTER: while (this.taskState != TaskState.DEAD) { Runnable runnable; synchronized (TASK_QUEUE) { while (TASK_QUEUE.isEmpty()) { try { taskState = TaskState.BLOCKED; TASK_QUEUE.wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Closed."); break OUTER; } } runnable = TASK_QUEUE.removeFirst(); } if (runnable != null) { taskState = TaskState.RUNNING; runnable.run(); taskState = TaskState.FREE; } } } public void close() { this.taskState = TaskState.DEAD; } } //自定义状态 private enum TaskState { FREE, RUNNING, BLOCKED, DEAD } //拒绝策略抛出异常 public static class DiscardException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; public DiscardException(String message) { super(message); } } //拒绝策略 public interface DiscardPolicy { void discard() throws DiscardException; } //关闭线程池 public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException { while (!TASK_QUEUE.isEmpty()) { //任务队列不为空,继续等待 Thread.sleep(50); } synchronized (THREAD_COLLECTION) { int initVal = THREAD_COLLECTION.size(); while (initVal > 0) { for (Worker worker : THREAD_COLLECTION) { if (worker.getTaskState() == TaskState.BLOCKED) { //如果是blocked状态,直接关闭 worker.close(); worker.interrupt(); initVal--; } else { //其他状态,就等待10毫秒 Thread.sleep(10); } } } } this.destroy = true; System.out.println("The thread pool is shutdown"); } public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { MyThreadPool threadPool = new MyThreadPool(); for (int i = 1; i <= 40; i++) { threadPool.submit(new MyRunnable(i)); } Thread.sleep(40000); threadPool.shutdown(); } public static class MyRunnable implements Runnable { int index ; public MyRunnable(int index) { this.index = index; } @Override public void run() { System.out.println("The runnable "+ index +" be serviced by " + Thread.currentThread() + " start."); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("The runnable "+ index +" be serviced by " + Thread.currentThread() + " finished."); } } }